Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Well, look at that...

A friend of mine aimed me at a reader challenge for hand-carved stamps in Cloth Paper Scissors - i wasn't really familiar with the magazine, but took a look, and sent off a copy of my fiddle scroll print, more or less on a lark. This was ages ago. Never heard a peep more, until someone else sent a tweet last night saying she'd seen my print there. I didn't think much of it, figuring she meant the image i'd uploaded to the gallery on the magazine's website, but when i reread it, i started to think it might have been the print edition.  And sure enough...

...there it is in the March/April 2012 issue!


vintage eye said...

Suzanne! Congrats on your print debut! :)

Fripperie said...

Thanks! Next up, new stuff for the little show in the fall... better get busy carving!