Sunday, November 22, 2009

A mystery...

Got this in a big box o' patterns, and i'm trying to pin it down, so far without notable success. It's an old pajamas-and-slippers pattern from Sears, but is not a "Superior" issue - looks more like a mail order pattern, and is in a funky, narrow, printed wax paper envelope. The search continues, but if you've got any leads, i'd be grateful if you shared them... it's such a fun little pattern!


Nan Jaeger said...

Great pattern! It looks like an unprinted pattern from the 1930s. I've had a few in the past, but the date is just a guess. Love the cuffs on pant.

Fripperie said...

It IS a fun one - i love the bias cut on the jacket, myself. My knee-jerk reaction is to say very early 40s, but it might be late 30s. Pajamas don't give you a whole lot to work with as far as dating by style, and i haven't found any other patterns in quite the same format, at all.