Friday, April 8, 2011

Instead of listing...

...i finished up carving this block today - well, it's technically yesterday, by now.  I still want to do a version printed on black paper (using the same brown ink), with a few white bits hand-colored.  But i think i need to make a little trip to pick up some art supplies first.
I did this one from a photo of Eliot and Winston... Tabby love.


JewelsP said...


Fripperie said...

Thanks! I've had fun with the block prints, and sold a few on consignment too - we'll see whether it ends up leading to another Etsy shop...

vintage eye said...

Kitties! That is beautiful! :)

Fripperie said...

Thanks! With luck, i can get the kitties to pay for their own catfood by posing for prints...