This particular gem is from 1951 (though it's the 21st printing - versions were evidently out there from the late 1930s), and i got it at a bag sale when one of my pet thrift shops was getting ready to move. (Along with some 1910s and 1920s handsewn garments, and a swell '60s birdcage hat... don't hate me.)
It's got a few recipes that look promising, like this cheddar and ale bisque:
And also some that look, well, like nothing i'd ever voluntarily eat, like the Tomato Aspic Buffet Mold below:
But the best part about this cookbook is the table of measures and equivalents, because there it has really useful translations, ones that help decipher recipes in older cookbooks, like that 1914 one i've posted from. It tells you, for instance, that a "wine glass" when used as a measure, should equal 4 ounces, or half a cup. It gives you temperatures that correspond to terms like "moderately slow oven" - and THAT is really handy.